As a leader, you’re always looking for the next big project that seems like it came out of left field but will undeniably enhance the way you do business. And, in…
Whether you’re the head of the household or the head of a major corporation, as a leader, you base the majority of your decisions on your best judgment. And while…
Think about the last time you finished a big work project, or finally wrote the first chapter of a book, or taught your kids a valuable skill or lesson. Did…
Think of your favorite sports star, idol or personal mentor. Chances are one of the reasons why they earn your admiration is simply because they have the confidence or high self-esteem….
Trying to make other people happy can be a very good thing. After all, it’s admirable to want to: Help your fellow man. Foster better relationships. Make sure you think…
When you think back to all the leaders you’ve had in your lifetime, is there one or two that stand out because their management skills were so atrocious? If so, you’re…
If you’re in a leadership position, then you know getting your company to embrace and adapt to big changes can be a challenge. Employees and managers alike get used to…
Most everyone has their life paths and actions affected by the other people in their lives. Their families, their friends or their staff members and in many cases, this is…
People with clear leadership skills can make decisions and do so with confidence. They can look at the problem at hand and determine the best route to go, or can think…
There’s a lot to be said about embracing the concept of “Yes.” Sometimes, saying “Yes” will open you up to new opportunities, or new experiences, you never envisioned before. It…